$175 - Up to 2,000 sqft
$200 - Between 2,001-3,500 sqft
$225 - Between 3,501-5,000 sqft
$275 - 5,001-7,500 sqft
Within 48 hours after photographing your property, you will receive a link to a website of your property which will display the 3-D imaging of your property that you can post to your company website and other social media.
Additional Services Offer By API Omaha
A target is a blue dot over a space. By clicking it, you open a dialogue box or link to media which gives context to spaces and describes additional features. It's a great way to communicate unique attributes to potential clients or stakeholders.
Black and white floor plan generated from the scan.
Still photographs taken within a space. Must schedule complete 3-D scan first.